Monday 14 October 2013
Woke up in the morning and thought of eating porridge.
My kitchen only have ten grains rice, never try porridge with it and since I am craving for porridge, why not?
Lucky me, still have organic carrots, sweetcorns and mushroom!
Told my husband I am gonna cook Organic porridge for our breakfast, he took a look at my ingredients and said :" You cook for one portion will do." Obviously, he wasn't pleased.

Well, that doesn't affect my plan. Boiled water and add in my ten grains rice (already seasoned with organic sea salt), slowly add in my peeled sweetcorns, diced carrots and mushrooms. Boiled for another 30-45 mins. Lastly, add in my secret weapon- dechoice seasoning(you can get this from any organic shop). Can add egg if you like to.

Ta la!!! My healthy breakfast! Like the texture of the grains and the sweetness from the corns and carrots.

Oh, by the husband finished his big bowl of porridge with me at the end. Haha!


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